Hedge Positions

An overview of the details presented for a Hedge position in the Bumper dApp

Hedge Position - Overview


Position Size

The units of the asset deposited

Current Price

The current price of the asset in USD

Position Value

The total current value of your position in USD

Floor Price

The price which you set your floor at (Your chosen floor) Floor * asset price at deposit time

Floor Value

The value of your chosen floor (Chosen floor * Asset Price at Deposit Time) * Position Size

Net Position

Position Size * Current Price - (Accrued Premium + Trading Fee) (Distance from Deposit Value as +/-%)

Risk Rating

Risk posed to the Maker pool based on the position parameters


The time and date the position expires

Distance from Floor

Distance of the current price from your floor price


BUMP Bonded

The BUMP that is bonded to the position

Accumulated Trading Fee

The trading fee that has been accumulated from the current and previous positions

Accumulated BUMP Incentive

The BUMP incentive that has accumulated from current and previous positions for this NFT

Premium Incurred

The Premium that has been incurred on this position to date

Premium Incurred ($)

The Premium that has been incurred on this position to date in $

Hedge - Position Details



Creation or Renewal


The date the action was taken


The units of the asset deposited

Deposit Price

The price of the asset at deposit time

Floor Price

The floor value at deposit time in USD

Floor Percentage

The floor you chose at deposit

Deposit Value

The value of the deposit at time of deposit

Floor Value

The value of your chosen floor (Chosen floor * Asset Price at Deposit Time) * Position Size

Protection Term

The chosen term

Protocol Fee

The trading fee for this position


The expiry date for this position

BUMP Incentives

The incentives earned on the position

Premium Incurred

The premium you incurred over the duration of this position

Premium Incurred ($)

The premium you incurred over the duration of this position as $

Last updated