Before a proposal is created

Bumper's DAO is designed to ensure that proposals have broad support from token holders, and a number of checks and balances are introduced to ensure that proposals meet significant thresholds and are supported by a supermajority prior to being adopted. Bumper encourages rigorous discussion of proposals, and users may use the Bumper Governance Forum to debate the merits of a proposal through a Bumper Request for Comments (BRC), allowing other users to raise objections or suggest amendments.

Although the BRC is optional, it is highly recommended that users wishing to introduce a new proposal raise it for discussion first in the Forum, particularly in the case of highly complex proposals or to deal with contentious issues. Proposers are furthermore encouraged to make use of the off-chain snapshot voting feature, so as to better gauge community sentiment before submitting their initial proposal, and thus increase the likelihood that the proposal will not be rejected during the main Voting Period.

Last updated